All roads lead to Rome: Italy’s central role in US election fraud

01:36, 12 January 2021 | | 1466 vizualizări | Nu există niciun comentariu
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by Calistrat Atudorei

An avalanche of information that has emerged in recent days leads to the conclusion that a key element, which until now was missing from the evidence highlighting the fraud in the presidential elections of November 3, 2020 in the United States, is the involvement of Italian administration structures. We further present the results of investigations conducted by the organization “Nations in Action”, the Institute of “Good Governance” and former CIA agent Bradley Johnson.

Maria Strollo Zack’s revelations seem to be some of the most disturbing on the international political scene in recent years. Zack is the president of the Nations in Action Association and a member of the Institute of Good Governance in the United States. She gave a series of interviews this week, in which she set out striking details about how on November 3, 2020, there was multiple foreign interference in the US presidential election. Given the relevance of the information, on January 6, she presented a detailed report to some members of the US Congress, who met in the Capitol building for the official registration of electors’ votes. The report has the signatures of judicial experts from Italy and depositions in a trial. The Institute for Good Governance also issued a Press Release on January 6 in which it made public essential data recorded by a Court of Justice in Italy. The importance of these investigations was also underlined by General Michael Flynn, a former national security adviser, who on January 5 posted a tweet in which he referred to the interview given by Maria Zack that in his opinion represents

Another piece of the foreign interference puzzle. The viability of our constitution & our country are at risk. Italy did it: Arturo D’Elia admits the stealing election on… (link to Maria Zack’s interview)

According to information provided by Maria Zack, the US elections were rigged through cyber-attack operations involving factions of the US secret services, but also companies from other states, among which decisive were those in Germany and Italy. Zack explained that an operation was processed in which hundreds of thousands of votes were moved from Trump to Biden. The intervention began in Frankfurt, where a CIA station hosts Dominion servers. She says everything worked out as planned until the Frankfurt hackers realized that what they were doing was not enough to finally give Biden the “victory.” At that moment, the operators became panicked and called on certain secret services in Italy. Specifically, those services had an operational base at the US Embassy in Rome. From there the operation was recalibrated by creating new more incisive algorithms, which suddenly increased the flow of votes for Biden. The intervention was carried out by a military satellite operated by an Italian cyber-security company, called Leonardo SpA, which inserted the new data into Dominion servers. These explanations were missing from the arguments used by Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Flynn to prove the fraud.

Maria Zack’s statements have credibility because they are based on the official statement of Arturo D’Elia, a former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA. He testified before the President of the Court of Naples, at the Court of Justice of the Lazio district. As you can see from the video statement of professor and lawyer Alfio D’Urso, it is very clear that Arturo D’Elia has acknowledged his role in the hacking scheme. The attached image illustrates a photocopy of one of the documents issued by the Lazio Court. In essence, D’Elia claims that under the instructions of the US Embassy’s staff in Rome, he “switched” Trump’s voting advantage so that that advantage would go to Biden. Here is the translation of the transcript of the statement given by the lawyer Alfio D’Urso, legal consultant of the Supreme Court of Justice of Italy, on January 6, 2021:

I, Professor Alfio D’Urso, lawyer of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131, Italy, do hereby provide the following affidavit of facts, as conveyed in several meetings with a high-level army security services official:

Arturo D’Elia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology / data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA. D’Elia has been deposed by the presiding the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on November 4, 2020, said that under instructions and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, he undertook the operation to switch data from the U.S. elections of November 3, 2020  from a significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. Defendant stated that he was working in the Pescara facility of Leonardo SpA and utilized military-grade cyber warfare-specific encryption capabilities to transmit the switched votes via military satellite of the Fucino Towerto to Frankfurt, Germany. The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered. The defendant has stated that the is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched uppon  instruction to provide evidence at a court in this matter.

I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence.

The operation was carried out via a Leonardo satellite. Zack says Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte himself was aware of the mission. He was fully informed about the operation, and he was “very determined and involved” about it, says Zack. The team of hackers was coordinated by Italian General Claudio Graziano, who has a leadership position in Leonardo, and who was assisted by an agent of the Italian secret service, Steffon Serafini. General Graziano is a very important figure in this operation, being also the president of the Military Committee of the European Union. Graziano is also a staunch supporter of a centralized European army. He fiercely opposes President Trump’s foreign policy, who no longer wants to promote military interventionism, but the respect of sovereignty of all countries.

The connection was made on the basis of much older links between the parallel administrations (also called “Deep States”) between the two states. As we will see later in this article, a key role in this gear was played by former US President Barack Obama and former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

The situation is particularly delicate because in the case of ordering operations by American special forces in Italy – to confiscate incriminating documents and arrest those guilty – we would have to deal with US military intervention in a NATO member country, which could create a huge international scandal. As the Italian government is completely corrupt and subject to the Italian underground administration, it is pretty illusory to expect remedy of the situation through the internal administration only. Political power and opposition are (also there) hand in hand, controlled by the tentacles of the globalist Masonic octopus.

In addition, it is very unlikely that this plan took place without the US ambassador in Rome knowing what was going on in his own embassy. The current US ambassador to Italy is Lewis Eisenberg, a former member of Goldman Sachs and a contributor to Trump’s 2016 election campaign. At the same time, Eisenberg is a close ally of the Zionist lobbying organizations of American neoconservatives, fierce enemies of President Trump due to his consistent plan to withdraw the US military from the Middle East. Lewis Eisenberg was appointed ambassador by Trump himself in 2017. These days, we are no longer surprised that most of President Trump’s entourage unscrupulously betrayed him, thus proving that they are part of the Deep State swamp.

Complementary evidence

Italy’s involvement in this huge fraud was confirmed by Bradley Johnson, a former CIA agent and head of one of the US intelligence agencies’ overseas stations. Johnson was a senior CIA operative and is currently president of the Americans for Intelligence Reform. On January 6, 2021, he revealed how Italy played a crucial role in what he described as an “international coup against Donald Trump.” His information is perfectly convergent with the ones revealed by Maria Strollo Zack and highlightes that the pirated data from the US elections were first transmitted in Frankfurt, then from Frankfurt to Rome, in the US embassy (​​located on Via Veneto) and than back in United States.

In conformity with Johnson, the servers in Frankfurt hosted only partial data of the hacking, but the real protagonist of the data fraud would have been Rome. He says that on election day something unprecedented in US history took place. Suddenly, the counting of votes in the key states was stopped simultaneously in the middle of the night. The hacking operation was underway, but the perpetrators realized that things were not going well enough in Biden’s favor. Brad Johnosn explains:

Trump got a record number of votes, but the transition from Trump to Biden in Frankfurt was not enough to certainly offer the “victory” to the democrat candidate.

Johnson says that a new development of algorithms was needed to ultimately change the outcome in Biden’s favor. Once the hackers created the new algorithms to switch multiple votes from Trump to Biden, they sent this new data to a military satellite operated by the Italian company Leonardo, a leader in the aerospace and defense sector. After doing so, the new manipulated data was sent back to the US Dominion voting machines.

Johnson concludes that given that the recalibration operation took place at the American embassy in Rome, it is clear that the Italian government is directly involved in this cyber attack. The former CIA agent mentions as significant the fact that Leonardo’s largest shareholder is the Italian Ministry of Economy, which owns more than 30% of this company.

Why Italy?

Maria Zack also revealed that she has detailed information that the Italian administration’s bribe to conspire against Trump dates back to the time of former President Barack Obama. He allegedly sent $ 400 million of cash money (14 pallets of banknotes) to Italy in 2017 and officially motivated that the money would be used to help Iran work out an international nuclear deal. It was a lie. The money arrived in Italy and there is clear evidence of this.

What has been described so far has provided an image of the fraud reported at the level of the military and secret services of the operation. It was (and still is) an action orchestrated by disloyal and subversive members of the structures of the American and Italian parallel state (Deep State), which aspires to take control globally. But the revelations that follow are even more shocking.

The political level of Trump’s sabotage plan was practically coordinated by Barack Obama, who was allegedly aided by his Italian counterpart, Matteo Renzi, the former Italian prime minister. Maria Zack claims that what happened was “a really brilliant plan orchestrated by Obama with Renzi’s help.” The relationship between Renzi and Obama is simply fundamental to unraveling both the first coup attempt against Trump (Spygate, also called Russia Gate) and the second coup (2020 election fraud).

Indeed, it should be noted that the latest declassification of NSA documents in the United States indicated that in September 2016 Barack Obama was fully informed of the plot that was being prepared against the Republican candidate Donald Trump. Former CIA director John Brennan had told President Obama that Hillary Clinton was fabricating a fake scandal to describe Trump as a “Russian puppet.” US institutions, such as the FBI and the intelligence community, have played a substantial role in this plot, as they have given the green light to illegal espionage against Trump. It goes without saying, then, that Barack Obama was at least an accomplice (if not coordinator) of the plan to sabotage future President Donald Trump.

At the same time, there is evidence that Spygate could not have taken place without Italy’s decisive assistance. In a well-documented analysis on this subject [1], [2], the Italian journalist Cesare Sacchetti points out that when Obama chose to authorize the illegal espionage operation against Trump, he would have asked for the help of the former Italian Prime Minister, Renzi. Moreover, Sacchetti points out that there is a red thread that links Spygate to fraud in 2020. And this red thread is exactly the axis between the Italian and American ”Deep States”, represented in this case by the conection between Obama and Renzi. This subversive plan continued to run uninterrupted until November 2020 when both sides, the US and Italian agents, conspired to end the plot. The goal, which was meant to be decisive, was to remove Trump, at all costs, from the presidency.

Of course, Obama and the Italian agents did not act on their own, but on the orders of much larger structures. But for the time being, concrete evidence has emerged for what I have set out here. In other words, to understand the big picture, the globalists have used members of the US Democrat Party (such as Obama and Clinton) to coordinate the coup, but also the subversive power of Italy’s Deep State, which is deeply infiltrated in Italian public institutions. We now better understand the role played by Obama since 2017. The former US president was part of a parallel administration to the White House, which could be considered a kind of US Shadow Government, and which (among others ) aimed to obstruct Trump’s presidency. In all this scheme (especially in the final, electoral part) Italy seems to have provided the technology and its operative agents.

Let us not forget that there are much older links between the secret operative organizations of the USA and those of Italy, consolidated since the end of the Second World War. These are the Gladio paramilitary structures, whose role was to prevent Italian society from attempting to allow the rise of communist parties to power. Gladio command troops acted very precisely and were subordinated to NATO. In the view of the Atlantic strategists, Italy had to remain under American control. And the strategy worked: in the key moments, certain harsh attacks were carried out and the communists were to blame. Through the media, the population was driven to vote with the capitalist right, intimidated by the so-called “communist threat.” In fact, this was the method of controlling the whole of Western Europe during the Cold War, but the strongest center of Gladio-type groups was in Italy. Although few are aware about the activity of those mercenary troops today, it is useful to know that they were recorded by parliamentary investigations in Italy, Belgium, Switzerland and even in the European Union’s Parliament.  [3].

Coming back to the electoral huge fraud within America in 2020, we can conclude that it is practically an international coup, designed by the US parallel administration (Deep State) and intermediated by the participation of several countries and governments, such as Canada, Germany, China , Spain and Italy. There is much more information that will complete the picture of what we could name ”the biggest electoral theft in history”. It is becoming increasingly clear that in the near future we will see startling revelations about how globalist power has used governments serving the New World Order agenda to overthrow Trump.


  1. Cesare Sacchetti, Italygate: is the Italian government directly involved in the US election fraud against Trump?, La cruna dell’ago, 29 december 2020,
  2. Cesare Sacchetti, Italygate, part II: Obama and Renzi accused of being the masterminds of the US electoral fraud, La cruna dell’ago, 7 January 2021,
  3. Official Journal of the European Communities, Resolution on the Gladio Affair, C324, Volume 33, 24 December 1990, pp. 201-202, online at . For a more in-depth documentation of the subject, see chapter 5 (“NATO’s Secret Armies in Europe”) in Calistrat Atudorei’s American Plans for World Hegemony, EPublishers Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020, pp. 88-124.


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